Sealyham Terrier Club
Championship Show 2019
Judge Mr. Max King Best of Breed & Res Best of Breed
Best Puppy in Show: Jacott Sunset at Jomoaka Best Veteran in Show: Ch Jacott Joy Bells
Judge Mr. Max King Best of Breed & Res Best of Breed
Judge: Mr. Max King
14th April 2019
BEST OF BREED : BETTIS Ch Ornella Country Living Sh.CM
Dog CC :
Ch Ornella Country Living Sh.CM
Res Dog CC :
Nileda Our Mutual Friend
Reserve Best in Show :
Ch Zippor Miss Skye
Res Bitch CC :
First Wish Serabel At Fennekin
Best Puppy :
Jacott Sunset Of Jomoaka
Best Veteran :
Ch Jacott Joy Bells
Best Junior Handler :
Tobijanski, Megan
Many thanks to the Officers, Committee and Members of The Sealyham Terrier Club for a friendly and enjoyable Championship Show. I was pleased with the overall quality of the dogs and also by the number of younger exhibitors who showed and prepared their dogs. I can only hope that this bodes well for the future of the breed and we will once again see a resurgence in the popularity of one of our vulnerable native breeds.
Spec. Triers D/B (1)
1. Jones & Bull’s Oldstable Bruce Banner. 23 mths old and well handled to make the most of his virtues, strongly made head, good width of skull, good bite, not always using ears to advantage, well made shoulders, tail a little low set, in good coat, moved a little close behind.
MPD (1)
1. Lee’s Overbore Semi’s in Russia. Outgoing and active youngster of 8 mths, and not always helping handler, head developing well, but body and coat need to catch up to finish the picture, when settled moved OK.
PD (2.1)
1. Moakes’ Jacott Sunset of Jomoaka. 8 mths, well presented and well handled, nice head and expression, strongly made neck flowing well into solid body, good rear quarters, tended to want to get away on the move but saw enough true movement when he decided to focus on the task. BP Dog and BPIS.
JD (2.1)
1. Bettis’ Ornella Lover Boy. Exuberant youngster of 14 mths and solid and robust throughout, neat outline, good head, ears and expression, nice length of body with plenty of substance behind the tail, wanted to be in control when moving.
ND (1)
1. Smith’s Dudwell Hickory Higgins. Nice outline and good balance, liked overall shape, good topline and well set tail, coat a little soft.
PGD (1)
1. O Bruce Banner.
LD (3)
1. Evans’ Nileda Our Mutual Friend. Nice outline and of good shape and proportions, nice head with broad skull and well carried ears, good length of head, good shoulder placement, good spring of ribs, coat in good order, sound mover. Res DCC.
2. Wonnacott’s Jacott Dancers Welsh Wizard. Larger type than 1 but all in balance, well presented, very solid and sturdy type.
3. Thomas’ Sojus Hepatica Nobolis.
OD (3.1)
1. Bettis’ Ch Ornella Country Living. The star of the day for me, great ring presence and awareness, presented in tip top order, liked overall size and appearance both standing and on the move, strong head, correct bite, well constructed front, well made body, coat in very good condition, moved soundly and with purpose. DCC and BIS.
2. Hampson’s Ch Kamryan Bleu De Chanel. Very solid type and all male in appearance, coat not at it’s best today, moved OK.
MPB (1)
1. Wonnacott’s Jacott Sunshine. 8 mths old and developing well, outgoing and alert type with good terrier spirit, nice overall shape, coat not yet at its best.
PB (2)
1. Lewis’ Nomis New Edition. Solid but feminine type, liked overall shape and size, head coming on well, preferred coat of winner, not always settling to move to advantage. BBP.
2. J Sunshine.
NB (2.1)
1. Smith’s Dudwell Golden Girl Gwenny at Grevenia. Very pleasing performance by this young handler who was in harmony with her charge both standing and moving, head Ok but ears appear a little heavy, strong neck and well placed shoulders, in good coat.
PGB (5.1)
1. Trezise-Dundas’ Firtswish Ara. Very pleasing type, liked overall balance and appearance, neat outline, strong head with broad skull, good pigmentation, well made neck of strength and substance, well sprung body, moved soundly.
2. Thomas’ Nileda Christmas Carol for Cibach. Nice head and well made body, but coat needs more attention to detail.
3. Lee’s Zippor Miss Fairy Footsteps.
LB (5)
1. Clark’s Firstwish Serabelat Fennekin. Good size and appearance, liked overall type, good head and expression, well proportioned throughout, good head and ears, coat in good order and moved to advantage, Res BCC.
2. Jones & Bull’s Ornella Idaknow. Larger type than 1, but in balance, strongly made in all departments, in good coat and well made quarters producing driving movement.
3. Thomas’ Cibach Carefree.
OB (2)
1. Tobijanski’s Ch Zippor Miss Skye. Very feminine type, nice size and shape and presented in first class order to get the most out of her, good length of head, broad skull, soundly made body, well presented coat. BCC and Res BIS.
2. Trezise-Dundas’ Cibach Carys at Firstwish. Standing a little wide in front which detracted from appearance, another solid type and of good substance throughout.
VB (3)
1. Wonnacott’s Ch Jaycott Joy Bells. Defying her age of 8.1/2 yrs, still eager and keen to show off her capabilities, in very good coat, driving and true movement. BVIS.
2. Thomas’ Ch Cibach Crystal Clear. 9.1/2 yrs old, Another keen sort and aware of requirements, not the coat as 1, but equal drive and purpose on the move.
3. Trezise-Dundas’ Cibach Cheeky Chops at Firstwish.
Keith Hanham Mem. Stakes (5.2)
1. Ch K Bleu De Chanel.
2. O Bruce Banner.
3. O Idaknow.
Jun Hand 6-11 (2)
1. Eneja Smith. Very attentive and aware of requirements, sympathetically handled.
2. Ella Tobijanski. Giving a lot away in age, but have to admire her ring presence and knowledge and application of requirements, coped very well with conditions.
Jun Hand 12-16 (1)
1. Megan Tobijanski. Had to work hard to maintain control of her dog who did not always want to co-operate, good ring presence and awareness and carried out the task well. Best Jun Handler.