Sealyham Terrier Club
Open Show 2019

Judge Mr. T. Ball Best of Breed & Res Best of Breed

Judge Mr. T. Ball Best of Breed & Res Best of Breed
Judge: Mr. T. Ball
22 September 2019
Bettis, Ch Ornella Country Living ShCM.
Best Dog :
Bettis, Ch Ornella Country Living ShCM.
Res Dog :
Bell, Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson
Best Bitch :
Wonnacott, Ch Jacott Joy Bells
Res Bitch :
Jones, Jacott Dancers Welsh Beauty
Best Puppy :
Bell, Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson
Best Veteran:
Wonnacott, Ch Jacott Joy Bells
Best Junior Handler:
Smith, Eneja
My thanks to the Officers and Committee of The Sealyham Terrier Club for their kind invitation to judge their Open Show and giving me the opportunity to spend a day with this wonderful breed. I thoroughly enjoyed the appointment; some top quality exhibits present and temperaments were all beyond reproach. A most welcoming committee plus a sporting group of exhibitors who were generous with their applause.
PD (2,1)
1. Bell’s Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson. What a great start to the day with this super 9 mth old pup! He ticked all the boxes for me and was a delight to go over. He is just right for size and excels for type and balance. Muscular neck of good length, firm level topline, ribs extend well back and developing well for age, good depth to chest, muscular loin and tail just right for both set and carriage. Masculine headpiece with good width of skull between his correctly set ears, moderate stop, dark expressive eyes, powerful jaw, excellent pigmentation and correct scissor bite. Well constructed all through with elbows held close to the body, standing on correct feet with nice thick pads and firm, muscular hindquarters which protrude behind the tail. Moving briskly with excellent drive from the rear and making the most of himself as he goes. Jacket of good texture. Very well handled. Reserve Best Dog, Reserve Best in Show and Best Puppy in Show. One with a very bright future ahead of him I am sure.
JD (4,2)
1. Downie’s Eleighwater Axel. Two very different dogs challenged here with the winner being this 16 mth old who was the more together of the pair. He presented a nicely balanced outline with fairly long neck, level topline, pretty good ribbing, firm loin and tail correct for both set and carriage. Pleasing head and expression with slightly domed skull of good width between correctly set ears, good eyes for shape and colour, powerful jaw and correct dentition. Elbows could be held a little closer to the body but nothing untoward, nice firm rear with good turn of stifle, well muscled throughout and moving out well with plenty of drive from the rear. Well presented with good coat texture to coat.
2. Lee’s Overbore Semi’s In Russia. 13 mth old with a super temperament but in need of a little more schooling to show the best of him. Carrying good bone and substance but a tad longer cast than the winner. Muscular neck of good length, level topline and tail set on well and of good carriage. Skull of good width, moderate stop, round eyes of good colour, nice dark pigmentation, powerful jaw and good dentition but ear set could be better. Moving well all through with good drive as he goes but more rear angulation than 1. Coat of good texture but not quite the presentation of winner.
ND (1,0)
1. Downie’s Eleighwater Axel
PGD (2,0)
1. Bettis’ Ornella Lover Boy. Again two quite different dogs competed against each other in this class. This 19 mth old was the winner and for me won with some room to spare. Carrying good bone and substance, he appealed for overall type and presented a well balanced outline with thick neck of good length, firm topline, good depth to chest, ribs well sprung, muscular loin and tail correct for both set and carriage. Quality head with masculine expression; slightly domed skull with good width between his correctly set ears, dark round eyes, moderate stop, flat cheeks, powerful muzzle, good dentition and nice dark pigmentation. Pleasing angles both front and rear andPleasing angles both front and rear and moving out soundly with nice self carriage. Good texture to jacket and shown to advantage.
2. Smith’s Dudwell Hickory Higgins at Grevenia (Imp Deu). 2 yr old who is more refined than the winner and somewhat longer cast. Neck of good length, level topline and tail of good set and carriage. Skull slightly narrower than that of the winner but ears set on well, moderate stop, good eyes for both shape and colour, dark pigmentation and correct scissor bite. I would like to see a tad more width of chest and overall he is slighter all through than preferred. He moves well on the go around, driving from the rear and using himself at all times.
LD (3,1)
1. Wonnacott’s Jacott Dancers Welsh Wizard. Once again I was presented with two very different dogs with the winner being this 2 yr old. Somewhat higher on the leg than 2 and not quite the bone or substance but he was good to go over and scored for both
construction and movement. Fairly long neck, level topline, chest of good depth, ribbed well back, firm loin and tail good for both set and carriage. He appealed in head and expression with good width between his well set ears, moderate stop, round eyes of good colour, flat cheeks, strong muzzle and good
pigmentation. Good angles both front and rear, elbows close to the body, nice thick pads to feet and firm, muscular hindquarters. Moving out well with good self carriage. Nice texture to coat.
2. Jones & Bull’s Oldstable Bruce Banner. 2 yr old who is heavier all through than the winner, carrying good bone and substance. However, he is somewhat shorter in neck and therefore lacked the balance of 1. Nice level topline, good depth to chest and ribs well sprung, firm muscular loin and tail set on well. Quality head and expression with slightly domed skull of good width between the ears, moderate stop, dark eyes, excellent pigmentation, powerful jaw and correct dentition. A somewhat shorter upper arm restricts his forward reach and could not match winner on the down and back either. Well handled.
OD (1,0)
1. Bettis’ Ch Ornella Country Living ShCM. 3 yr old who I did well for as a puppy. I liked him then but loved him now! He scores for overall type, is just right for size, carries good bone and substance and is beautifully balanced. Fairly long, muscular neck which flows into well laid shoulders, firm level topline, nice depth to chest, first class ribbing, strong loin and tail spot on for set and carriage. Quality head with masculine expression, good width to his slightly domed skull, medium-sized ears of correct set, round eyes of good colour, moderate stop, flat cheeks, powerful jaw and correct scissor bite. He stands well in front with elbows held close to the body, excellent breadth of chest which is well let down and round feet with nice thick pads. Firm, muscular hindquarters with good turn of stifle, excellent strong hocks which are parallel when viewed from behind and rear protrudes beyond set on of tail. Moving out with purpose, driving well from the rear and so very well handled. Quality coat of excellent texture and presented in such good order. Best Dog & Best in Show.
Junior Handling 6-11 y
1. E. Smith (aged 11). Very competent young handler who presented her dog just right on the stack, aware of my presence at all times and adjusting her position when necessary and in a calm, unhurried manner. When gaiting, she moved at just the right pace with a watchful eye on the dog at all times.
Brace (1,0)
1. Trezise-Dundas & Dundas. Very well matched mother and daughter duo. So very similar in almost all respects and of comparable size. Just a slight difference in tail carriage. Moving so well together, keeping the same pace and so capably handled.
The Keith Hanham Memorial Open Stakes D/B (2,0)
1. Bell’s Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson
2. Jones & Bull’s Oldstable Bruce Banner
JB (2,0)
1. Wonnacott’s Jacott Sunshine. Exuberant 13 mth old who was good to go over. Feminine headpiece with good eye and ear, moderate stop, flat cheeks, muzzle of good length, powerful jaw and nice dark pigmentation. Muscular neck of good length to balance, pretty good topline, good depth to chest, excellent ribbing, firm loin and tail good for both set and carriage. Pleasing angles both front and rear, elbows held close to the body, standing nice and straight on correct round feet with nice thick pads and firm, muscular hindquarters with strong hocks. When settled she moved very well all through. Hard, wiry coat and very well presented.
2. Banks’ Eleighwater Adelinda. 16 mth of completely different type to the winner and somewhat rangier. Fairly long neck, level topline, good depth to chest, firm loin and tail so good for both set and carriage. Pleasing head with feminine expression; ears of correct set, moderate stop, round eyes of good colour, strong muzzle and correct scissor bite. Front assembly not that of winner and would benefit from more breadth of chest. Firm, muscular rear with good turn of stifle. Moving out well on the go around and driving well from the rear. Nice to texture to jacket but not quite that of 1.
NB (1,0)
1. Banks’ Eleighwater Adelinda
PGB (2,0)
1. Trezise-Dundas & Dundas’ Firstwish Ara. 2 yr old who was nice to go over. Feminine throughout,she presented a nicely balanced outline with neck of good length, good depth to chest, acceptable topline, firm loin and tail of good set and carriage. Slightly domed skull with good width between her correctly set, medium-sized ears, dark expressive eyes, moderate stop, flat cheeks and strong jaw with good dentition. Pleasing angles front and rear, elbows close to the body, standing well in front on good feet and firm, muscular hindquarters.Moving better than 2nd on the go around. Coat of good texture.
2. Smith’s Dudwell Golden Girl Gwenny at Grevenia (Imp Deu). 2yr old girl who couldn’t have been more different to the winner, being much heavier all through and for my preference a little too much of her for a bitch.Having said that, there is lots to like and
she pleased for overall balance and outline with fairly long, muscular neck, nice level topline, well ribbed back, firm loin and tail good for both set and carriage. Plenty of breadth to skull, nice eye and ear, flat cheeks, powerful muzzle and correct scissor bite. Front not that of winner standing or on the move and not quite the profile action either. Hard, wiry jacket and shown in good order.
LB (4,1)
1. Jones’ Jacott Dancers Welsh Beauty. 2 yr old who has so much to like. She is up to size but has lovely bone and substance and is so good to go over. Muscular neck of good length to balance, pleasing topline, good depth to chest, ribcage extends well back, firm loin and first class tail for set and carriage. Attractive head with good width between her well set ears, round eyes of good colour, moderate stop, flat cheeks, punishing jaw, correct dentition and nice dark pigmentation. Shoulders well laid, elbows held close to the chest, round feet with nice thick pads and firm, well-muscled hindquarters with good turn of stifle. Moving well all through, driving from the rear and particularly good on the go around. Good coat texture. Reserve Best Bitch, being pipped at the post by her dam.
2. Lee’s Zippor Miss Fairy Footsteps. This 2 yr old presented a completely different outline to the winner being somewhat shorter in neck than the ideal which affects her balance. A shame as she has so many qualities and is well off for bone and substance. Feminine head and expression with slightly rounded skull of good breadth, medium-sized ears of good set, dark round eyes, medium stop, powerful jaw, correct dentition and very nice pigmentation. Level topline, good depth to brisket, nice spring of rib, firm loin and tail set and carried well. Moving ok but not the reach or drive of winner and not making the best of herself on the day. Well handled.
3. Trezise-Dundas & Dundas’ Firstwish Blossom Hill
Click to Enlarge
Photos © Len Bettis
OB (2,0)
1. Wonnacott’s Ch Jacott Jubilee Queen ShCM. 7 yr old who won this class with some room to spare. She is a little shorter in back than I would prefer but otherwise full of quality and so good to go over. Thick, muscular neck of nice length, level topline, excellent ribbing, firm loin and tail of good set and carriage. Quality head and expression with slight dome to skull, good width between her correctly set, medium-sized ears, round eyes of good colour, moderate stop, flat cheeks, powerful jaw and correct dentition. Good angles front and rear, elbows held close to the chest, standing straight in front on correct feet with nice thick pads and firm, muscular hindquarters with nice strong hocks. Moving out well with plenty of drive from the rear.
2. Trezise-Dundas & Dundas’ Cibach Carys at Firstwish. Another 7 yr old girl but quite different to the winner. Feminine throughout, she presented a nicely balanced outline with fairly long neck, level topline, good depth to chest, pleasing rib, muscular loin and tail set on well. Attractive head with ears set on just right, round eyes of good colour, medium stop, flat cheeks and strong muzzle with correct scissor bite. Front not that of winner standing or on the move but she moves out well enough on the go around. Excellent texture to jacket.
VB (2,0)
1. Wonnacott’s Ch Jacott Joy Bells. Not that far off 9 yrs, this girl was a delight to go over and I thought her a super type and she was shown in such hard condition. She presented a well balanced outline, is carrying good bone and substance and could certainly show some of the youngsters how to move. Muscular neck of good length, level topline, good depth to chest, ribcage extends well back, firm loin and tail good for both set and carriage. Most attractive headpiece with feminine expression; good width to her slightly domed skull, medium-sized ears of correct set and carried close to her flat cheeks, moderate stop, nice dark eyes, powerful muzzle, excellent pigmentation and correct dentition. She is well made all through, standing straight in front on good feet with nice thick pads and has well-muscled hindquarters with strong hocks which are parallel when viewed from the rear. Moving out with drive and with excellent self carriage. Quality coat and presentation. Best Bitch and Best Veteran in Show.
2. Trezise-Dundas & Dundas’ Cibach Cheeky Chops at Firstwish. Another who will soon be celebrating her 9th birthday. She is a completely different type to the winner and not quite the balance, being a tad longer cast. Neck of good length, firm topline and tail set on well but could be straighter.
Feminine headpiece with slightly domed skull of good width, medium-sized ears of correct set, round eyes of good colour, flat cheeks and powerful jaw. She stands a little wider in front and this reflects on the move and could not match the side action of winner, but she is nice and firm when going away. Coat of good texture. Well handled.