Sealyham Terrier Club
Open Show 2018

Best of Breed & Res Best of Breed and Best Puppy

Ch Zippor Sapphire Jones

Ornella Love Island Meets Magembay

Best of Breed & Res Best of Breed and Best Puppy
Judge Mr Tony Salmon
16th September 2018
Ch Ornella Country Living ShCM
Best Dog :
Ch Ornella Country Living ShCM
Res Dog :
Dudwell Hickory Higgins (Imp Deu)
Best Bitch :
Ch Zippor Sapphire Jones
Res Bitch:
Dudwell Golden Girl Gwenny at Grevenia (Imp Deu)
Best Puppy :
Ornella Love Island Meets Magembay
MPD (1)
Bettis Ornella lover boy. 7months old. Good balanced head with correct bite. Well set in shoulders and deep brisket. Moved well. BPD. PD (1) 1 Bettis Ornella Lover Boy.
JD (2,1)
1 Smiths Dudwell Hickory Higgins (Imp Deu) 13 month old. Nice outline with dark eye and nice size ears, well laid shoulders and good coat, moved well front and rear. Res dog.
ND (1)
1 Bettis Ornella Lover Boy.
LD (1)
Wonnacott's Jacott Dancers Welsh Wizard. 14 month old. Nice expression, good bite, good shoulders and coat. Would have liked steadier movement.
OD (1)
Bettis Ch Ornella Country Living. Very pleasing dog in all aspects. Dark eye and correct bite and nice set ears. Balanced body with good coat. Excellent movement front and back. Best dog,
MPB (1)
1 Merson's Ornella Love Island Meets Magembay. This 7 month baby took my heart, alert with great expression. Good bite. Dark eye and ears. Balanced bitch. Unsteady in the class but pulled her self together for bitch challenge and for best puppy. BPB. BPIS.
PB (2,1)
Merson's Ornella Love Island Meets Magembay.
JB (4,1)
1 Dudwell Golden Girl Gwenny At Grevenia (Imp Deu) Best movement in class, nice eye and ears well laid shoulders balanced in body with good tail set. R.BB. 2 Tobijanski. Zippor Miss Skye. Another nice bitch with good eye and bite good shoulder and very good coat. Preferred the movement of one. 3 Lee's Zippor Miss Fairy Footsteps.
NB (1)
Merson's Ornella Love Island Meets Magembay.
PGB (2,1)
1 Trezise-Dundas: Firstwish Ara. Nice head with dark eye, good coat good front. Movement a bit erratic today.
LB (2,1)
1 Trezise-Dundas: Cibach Carys at Firstwish. Nice eye and bite. Strong front and body, moved very well.
OB (2)
1 Tobijanski's Ch Zippor Sapphire Jones. A well balanced bitch. Nice expression, good bite and dark eye. Good neck and body moved well with drive front and rear. BB & RBIS. 2 Trezise Dundas Firstwish Blossom Hill. Excellent coat. Nice eye and ears, good body. Good tail set, movement let her down today.
VB (2)
1 Wonnacott's Ch Jacott Joy Bells. 8 years old and still got it. Nice head, good bite, eye and ears, nice body, still moves well front and rear. Best Veteran. 2 Trezise Dundas Cibach Cheeky Chops at Firstwish. Another 8 year old keeping in good nick. Good length of head, dark eye with strong neck and good coat. Preferred the movement of one.
BRACE (2,1)
1 Trezise Dundas Symmetrical in shape and style moved well together.