Annual General Meeting
14th April 2024 (Sunday)
The Annual General Meeting will take place at King George V Memorial Hall, Rangeworthy, Avon BS37 7LS
Start Time: Approximately ½ hour after completion of judging of the Championship Show
1. Apologies for Absence
2. Approve the minutes of the previous AGM held on 23rd April 2023.
3. Matters arising
4. Annual Report Including Chairman’s/Secretary’s reports
5. Treasurer’s Report Accounts
6. Health Report
7. Election of Officers
Chairman: the position is temporarily filled by a Co-opted Chairman. Nominations are therefore invited.
Treasurer: the position is temporarily filled by a Secretary. Nominations are therefore invited.
Nominations for the elections of Officer posts must be proposed and seconded and be sent to the Secretary by 24th March 2024 which is 21 days before the AGM.
A Nomination form is available from Hon. Secretary
8. Judging Panel
9. Election of Committee - A Committee of 12 members is allowed
There are vacancies available on Committee.
Committee members are elected for a three year term.
Nominations for the elections of Committee posts must be proposed and seconded and be sent to the Secretary by 24th March 2024 which is 21 days before the AGM.
A Nomination form is available from Hon. Secretary
10. Honorary Membership award for Janet Wonnacott
11. Any Other Business at the discretion of the Chairman
Attendance at the AGM is only open to members who have paid their current subscriptions of
£10 Joint /£8 single/ £10 overseas which was due on 1st January 2024
PLEASE NOTE: No other business will be discussed other than notified