Sealyham Terrier Club
Open Show 2024
Miss V.Cox
22nd September 2024
Best in Show/ Best Veteran in Show
CH Nileda Our Mutual Friend
Reserve Best In Show Whooperhill Sleepinbeauty Of Jomoaka
Best Puppy in Show Whooperhill King's Choice at Firenzlee
Best Special Beginners in Show
Afterglow's Golden Ticket (NAF)
Thank you to the committee for inviting me to judge this well run club show, my efficient steward for
keeping things running smoothly and of course the exhibitors for bring their Sealyhams along for
me to assess. I had a really enjoyable day and was thrilled with the quality of the dogs, which made for some hard decisions particularly in the respective best of sex challenges such was the depth of quality. Some promising youngsters too, and I will be watching their progress over the
coming year or so with great interest and not forgetting the grand veterans who were great ambassadors for the breed and a credit to their owners, just shows how well the breed can last in the show ring.
MPD (2,0)
1. Lee’s Rainesgift West Of The Moon at Firenzlee. This young man had the advantage here in terms of maturity with good substance for a youngster. Nice head shape and length and has strength of jaw with good dentition, slight dome to his skull with dark eyes and good ear placement.
Ample neck, short strong straight legs which are set well under his body, secure topline, and well set strong tail. His puppy coat is a little soft In texture at the moment but he was presented in nice
condition. Moved soundly and briskly. BPD, in the challenge for BPIS he didn’t quite have the drive of the MPB winner.
2. Pawson, Mantle & Lee’s Afterglow’s Golden Ticket NAF. Just six months old, this lad is already
confident and has a nice overall shape and body condition for his tender age. He has an attractive head of good length, dark eyes, and well set on ears. Good in neck and well ribbed, with a level back and well bent stifles. Well set tail with some hindquarters behind. Once settled and he got
into his stride he showed a brisk action, just needs to tighten up a little in front. Shown in good body condition and nicely presented coat.
JD (1,0)
1. Bettis’ Ornella King Midas. Very smart youngster and quite mature for his age. He immediately appeals for his breed typical outline and overall balance both standing and on the move. Masculine head of good length, well set on ears and dark eyes. Decent forehand with a lovely reach of neck,which is also strong and muscular, leading to well laid shoulders and firm topline. Very good
hindquarters with plenty behind his well set strong tail. He scored highly on the move, sound, true with drive and purpose, looking particularly good in profile. His well textured coat was presented to advantage, with good furnishings giving him a breed typical appearance. A quality boy, I was
delighted to award him RBD in some tough competition today
PGD (1,1)
OD (3,0)
1. Bell’s Ch Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson at Letara. A quality boy, full of breed type, he appeals for his overall size and balanced appearance both standing and on the move. Expertly presented and in the best jacket. Well proportioned masculine head, well placed ears and very dark eyes all
aiding his keen expression. Muscular neck, nicely angulated shoulders, short strong straight legs set well under his body with good depth to his chest and elbows held close to his body. Firm level back, well set on tail with plenty behind and strong hindquarters. Once settled and he got into his stride, he had brisk sound movement. Close up in the in the challenge for best dog, just felt today
he didn’t quite match the drive from behind of the winners, this could easily change on another day
and a bit bigger ring.
2. Challenger’s Rowanrae Dream Come True. Another well grown boy with pleasing proportions
and overall balance, just preferred the head of winner and he wasn’t always using his ears today. Nice head shape and length, dark eyes and big strong teeth. Ample neck, leading to well laid
shoulders, good ribbing and breadth and depth of chest. Short strong legs held close to his body, firm topline, well angulated hindquarters with good tail set on. Hard, well presented coat. Moved
soundly but could have had a little more drive.
3. James’ Nileda Mister Joe.
1. Evans’ CH Nileda Our Mutual Friend. Only just into veteran, this quality boy has great ring presence, and immediately appeals for his breed typical outline and overall balance. Well made
throughout with terrific substance. I liked his strong masculine head, well placed ears, very dark eyes and correct bite. Ample neck which is strong and muscular, leading to well laid shoulders, good width and breadth of chest and standing on short straight strong legs. Good topline and muscular loin, nicely angulated rear with a well set on tail with plenty behind. His hard double coat
and profuse furnishing were expertly presented. He really was on form today and on the go around, he moved out briskly with drive and with some style too. I felt this gave him the edge in the competition today. I was delighted to award him BD, BIS and BVIS.
1. Lee’s Whooperhill King’s Choice at Firenzlee. Delightful baby girl, just six months but has the
makings of a very nice example of the breed. She has a pleasing oblong shaped profile and she is
nicely bodied for her age . Lovely head, well proportioned with slight dome, and very feminine
whilst still has strength, dark eyes and good ear placement and correct bite. Ample neck and well
ribbed for her age, firm topline and well angulated rear. Her nicely presented puppy coat is a little
bit soft at the moment but she is young yet. It was on the move that she had the edge over the other puppies, well schooled and she moved out easily, soundly with good drive from behind.
Delighted to award her BPB and BPIS.
PB (1,1)
JB (2,0)
1. Bell’s Whooperhill Serendipity for Letara. Classy youngster, I liked her balanced and oblong
outline. Her feminine head is of good length and strength with well set on ears , dark eyes and good bite. Decent forehand with good length of neck leading to well laid shoulders and firm level
topline. She is well bodied with good ribbing, nicely angulated hindquarters with plenty behind her well set on tail. She was sporting a very well presented hard jacket with good furnishings. On
the go around, she moved out well and stylishly with sound brisk action. Promising young lady.
2. Brown’s Dionaha Winnie. A bigger built feminine girl and different type to the winner, with some further developing still to do, as she appears just a touch long in body at the moment. Pretty head with slightly domed skull, dark eyes and well placed ears. Ample neck into well laid shoulders, good width and depth of chest. Her topline needs to firm up a little, nicely angulated hindquarters and her tail is set on well. Her coat is developing and was nicely presented. She Moved well both out and back with a brisk action.
PGB (1,1)
LB (4,0)
1. Moakes’ Whooperhill Sleepinbeauty of Jomoaka. This smart girl caught my eye as soon as she came in the ring. I liked her breed typical shapely outline and overall balance. Lovely head and expression, clearly feminine yet still has strength with big strong teeth and powerful jaw. ,very dark eyes and well set ears. Particularly good neck and shoulders, decent bone and good ribs and breadth and depth of chest. Firm topline with good set on and plenty behind her tail, all topped off
by an expertly presented hard jacket. On the go around she moved out soundly and briskly with
purpose. Delighted to award her BB and RBIS
2. Smith’s Grevenia Higwen Amber Queen. Built a little bit bigger than the winner with a well bodied breedy outline. Feminine head with dark eyes and strong muzzle. Good neck length to well laid back shoulders and a firm level back of good length, well ribbed and well set strong tail. Moved with positive brisk gait and holding her balanced outline. Good harsh coat which was well presented.
3. Lee’s Zippor Miss Fairy Footsteps
OB (2,0)
1. Wonnacott’s Ch Jaycott Sunshine.RBB Two top quality girls, I was spoilt for choice here. This mature girl is full of breed type and so well made throughout, I liked her overall size and
appearance both standing and on the move. She has a strong yet feminine typical head, well placed ears, dark eyes and a strong muzzle. Ample reach of neck, well ribbed with good angulations, well sprung ribs, good topline and muscular hindquarters with plenty behind her strong well set on tail. On the go around, she moved soundly, briskly and true in all directions and was sporting a beautifully presented hard jacket. Pleased to award her RBB.
2. Bettis’ Ch Nunneley Hopscotch Over Ornella JW. Another super well balanced girl, slightly bigger built , just felt she was a little heavy over her shoulders today, otherwise she could have
taken the class. Feminine yet strong and well proportioned head with slightly domed skull and wide between the ears, dark eyes and well-set ears. Strong muscular neck leading to well laid shoulders, very well made body, with good depth with really well sprung ribs, level topline into a short strong loin. Nicely angulated front and back with muscular hindquarters and well set on tail. Her movement was impressive, particularly her side gait, so sound with a brisk powerful action. Coat presentation and texture was first class.
VB (4,1)
1. Evans’ Ch Nileda Great Expectations ShCM. Nearly 10 years, quality girl, full of breed type. I liked her her for overall size and balanced outline both standing and on the move. She has a
strong typical head, very feminine, dark eyes and nose. Lengthy neck, short strong straight legs which are set well under her body, well ribbed, and she still has a firm topline and well set on tail. Shown in excellent condition, with her beautifully presented hard jacket. On the go around she was so sound driving off briskly from her muscular hindquarters. Pleased to award her BVB
2. Wonnacott’s Ch Joycott Joy Bells. Nearly 14 years, another good looking girl and very typy, so
sound still and full of energy on the move, Lovely head, well proportioned, of good length with dark eyes and nose and well placed ears. Ample neck leading into well laid shoulders, firm topline
which she retails on the move. Well bodied and ribbed back with good angulation front and rear.
Nicely presented coat, not quite the density or quality as winner, but she has nothing to hide. She
moved soundly, true and with purpose.
3. Smith’s Dudwell Golden Girl Gwenny at Grevenia (Imp Deu)
SPB D/B (2,1)
1. Pawson, Mantle & Inman’s Aterglow’s Golden Ticket (NAF)- see minor puppy notes Best Special
Beginners in Show
Brace (4,0)
1. Bell’s Ch Zippor Sleepy Sapphireson at Letara/Whooperhill Serendipity for Letara. Very similar in type although different sizes, beautifully presented , moved out smartly together.
2. Trezise-Dundas’ Cibach Carys at Firstwish/Firstwish Ara. Well matched pair and very similar in type with good balance, not quite the quality or density of coat as the much younger winners. Moved well.
The Keith Hanham Memorial Stakes (2,0)
Two nice girls, both moved out briskly and soundly, just
preferred the size of the winner.
1.Moakes’ Whooperhill Sleepinbeauty of Jomoaka. See LB notes
2. Flower’s Dionaha Winnie- see JB notes